A Utopia

On September 25th the United Nations, consisting of 193 members, agreed on a set of 17 goals that would make the entire world a better place to live in. Watch the video to find out what those goals are, or look below.

The plan is to complete each goal by the year 2030, and I think that’s pretty ambitious to think that everything that is wrong with the world can be solved in just 15 years, I mean that is more than a goal a year. Now that may seem a bit pessimistic and I would like to think that humanity could get that done, but what the UN is describing is close to a Utopian society; unlimited healthcare for everyone, businesses that aren’t just there to make money, absolutely no poverty and a bunch of other things. All of the goals that they want to achieve are the right ones, but human nature can prevent us from doing a lot of things. People have conflicting opinions, cognitive biases and different ways of life that all clash together,and slow down growth. I think that some of these goals are possible if everyone holds their, leaders, businesses and upper class accountable for their actions, because big organizations can get away with  whole bunch of stuff, like using child labor, selling cures for diseases for way to much and pumping toxins out into the public. In my opinion us, as a species, still haven’t evolved enough, or learnt enough to work in harmony and solve all of the worlds problems. We only think we can.

What I plan on doing over the next month (possibly) is posting a detailed look at each of the UN’s specific goals relating to world improvement and giving my opinion on them.  I will try and give anyone who reads the posts enough information to form their own opinions and to encourage them to contribute to the cause. If enough people care about the causes listed in the video I do think we can change the world, everyone is capable of contributing to the cause they just need to get up off their lazy asses and do something, anything, that will make the world a better place for everyone.

Thank You.

Game Creation

     I chose to learn game creation in computers class because I want to make my own video game. What I learn from this course can translate into my own game that I could possibly make money off of or even make my own video game company. A definition for Game creation would be the process of making a virtual playground that you interact with using a computer. In this course I hope to learn how to make different types of game, such as open world, like Farcry, puzzle games, like Tetris, and mobile games, like Crossy Roads and Clash of Clans. With the skills that I learn I could become a game programmer, Character artist, mobile game artist, and places I can work could be at a big gaming company, like Ubisoft or I could start my own Company. The future of game creation seems to be going in the direction of Virtual reality, right now there are a bunch of companies making VR glasses, but as we progress in this area the technology will keep getting more immersive and can be used in multiple areas, like military, medical and space exploration. Im very excited for the future and would like to be a part of it.

Art Institute

When the Art Institute came to that class and presented what the school is all about, it was pretty much the same as last year, with maybe two new things. Now last year I didn’t ask any questions to the presenters, I just filled out my sheet and left. This time I actually did talk to them about how many students, after graduation, start their own business. Their answer was about 37%.They also gave me some advice about learning and doing things while I’m in high school to create a portfolio for after High school. I’m still not sure what I’m going to do for my past secondary, or if I will do it. The Biggest problem is the fact that tuition costs $90,000, I have no idea where I’m gonna get that money and student dept is just a pain. A course in game design would teach me quite a bit and my business could be based off of that, Also it takes about 4 years to get a full degree in game design or programming. I’m still not convinced though.

A necessary expense

Apple, a word that can enrage or delight, make happy or provoke. Or maybe you’ve been living under a rock for quite some time and only think of the fruit, but whatever your standpoint is this is what I think about Apple. Apple is a widely popular company, with a lot of influence on society, now with the influence they have I don’t think they are using it for good. I think apple is way too expensive, exclusive and has lost its innovative tendencies. The price of apple products is absolutely ridiculous, a stylus (sorry “pencil”) that is $99, a phone that isn’t as good as a lot of other phones but still costs twice as much, and what is essentially a Wii doppelganger. I know these aren’t all of the products but I like these are the first that came to mind. What Apple does is make it so you want to buy all of their products because it seems like they all belong together and are complementary of each other. They also feel like an exclusive club, for example if you decide to go with android then you can buy anything else that runs that operating system and a lot of companies contribute to it, but with apple the company has all of the companion electronics that you feel you need (ie. Computer, laptop, phone, watch, etc) and the designs are quite similar so they look nice together, and humans like things that match. One other thing that really bugs me is the fact that apple gets all of the apps first, and this is because apple is so exclusive that developers only need to make one version of the game to work on all apple devices. Even though it seems I may not like Apple all that much, I still want them to take my money.